To change the size of the selected area, drag one corner in or out.
To select a different area, drag the selection rectangle by its middle.
To deselect the selected area, click outside the selection rectangle.
To select a smaller area to compress or copy, drag the crosshair pointer.
Shows the current disk space needed to store this file.
Shows the compression method used for this PICT file.
Size box
To change the height or width of the window, drag the box.
To scroll to another portion of the window, use the scroll bar controls. Not available because all of the image is displayed within the window.
To scroll a little at a time, use one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the scroll bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
To scroll to another portion of the window, use the scroll bar controls. Not available because all of the image is displayed within the window.
To scroll a little at a time, use one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the scroll bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box.
Shows the current display size as a percentage of the normal size of the image. A number in bold means that the view has the same resolution (pixel for pixel) as the original image.
To enlarge or reduce the display size of the image, drag the slider. Not available because no image is displayed.
To enlarge or reduce the display size of the image, drag the slider.